Medical Council Accreditation
We are delighted to share with you the final report from MCNZ with the decision about our accreditation as a vocational training provider in Musculoskeletal Medicine.
This accreditation will last until April 2027 subject to ongoing reporting and making the required progress.
This is a very pleasing result. However, it comes with a responsibility to make rapid progress on working with other colleges, reviewing our curriculum and educational processes and implementing a number of educational changes.
The Reaccreditation team will continue to report twice yearly on progress to the Medical Council.
My thanks to Gary Collinson, and the team for the hard work getting us to this point. Also thanks to trainees Patricia Watkins, Emma Stanley, Jordan Davis and Jeremy Steinberg who have worked with us to get this result.
We will need input from more members and fellows.
If you have an interest to assist with meeting our “required actions” or would like to discuss anything, please feel welcome to contact any of the team who are:
Dr Jenny Keightley
Dr Gary Collinson
Dr Lucy Holtzhausen
Dr Mark Johnston
Brenda Evitt
Please take time to scan through this report.
From August 2021 it will be on the MCNZ website
Ngā mihi nui,
Dr Jenny Keightley
President NZ Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine
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