MBChB, PGDip Musmed, , PG Dip Businfo, MMGT, PhD, FAFMM, FRNZCGPMercy Specialist Centre
Giresh is a Musculoskeletal Pain Specialist and Researcher. He completed a PhD in 2013 on how pain spreads and amplifies looking at headache and migraine.
Subsequently he has written three books Fix Your Back, Fix Your Headache Neck Pain & Migraine and Brain Connections: how to sleep better, worry less and feel happier (release date July 2019).
Giresh is the chairperson of the research charity for The NZ Pain Foundation (nzpain.com) set up to fund research on low back pain, neck pain, migraine and depression. He has published a trial of tension type headache. He is currently performing research with Auckland University.
He is the editor of Australasian Musculoskeletal Medicine.
Giresh also performs ultrasound guided injections and has a special interest in treating tendons using extra-corporeal shock wave as well as ultrasound guided sclerotherapy injections.